Our Projects


  • Soil and water- table depth maps of a Danube’s island using satellite images. 
 Universidad de Valencia/ Dorna Agri Rumania


  • Multipurpose gasifier for the energetic valorization of organic waste and biomass. CDTI/Green Waste to Energy S.L.


  • “Fine-tuning and optimization of a tomato cultivation system by reusing and purifying wastewater.” SAT nº 9490 Tomspring.
  • Design and implementation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) through the DUNE system using macrophytes in Bodegas Olcaviana (La Roda, Albacete).


  • Environmental strategies for vineyard management, reduction of harmful compounds and development of low-alcohol sparkling wines”. Ecovitis S.L.
  • Viticultural and oenological strategies and methods in the face of climate change. Application of new technologies that improve the efficiency of the resulting processes.” Ecovitis S.L.
  • Studies and optimization of cultural and hormonal factors of the vine. Incidence on fruit quality and on secondary metabolites with anticancer activity.” CDTI/Fuenteseca S.A.T. CV 212


  • Germination conditions, cultivation and conservation of vegetable varieties for 4th range. Perales seedbeds.